Le competenze di NEPSY sono:
1. convertitori elettronici di potenza (modellistica, convertitori multilivello, pulse width modulation);
2. macchine elettriche (progettazione di macchine elettriche a magneti permanenti ad alta velocità, analisi agli elementi finiti);
3. azionamenti elettrici (strategie e tecniche di gestione e controllo avanzate, algoritmi FPGA-based);
4. sistemi di accumulo dell’energia (sistemi di gestione e controllo dell’energia, sistemi di accumulo ibridi).
“Dispositivo di conversione dell’energia bidirezionale di tipo universale per sistemi elettrici di potenza”, 27/10/2022 – patent pending
Marzo 2020, secondo posto nella competizione “IEEE VTS Motor Vehicles Challenge 2020: Energy Management of a Fuel Cell/Ultracapacitor/Lead-Acid Battery Hybrid Electric Vehicle”, organizzata da IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, Universidad Industrial de Santander (Colombia), University of Bourgogne Franche-Comt´e (France), University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres (Canada) e Universidad Nacional de Rafaela (Argentina)
Marzo 2022, vincitori della competizione “IEEE VTS Motor Vehicles Challenge 2022: Energy Management of a Fuel Cell/Ultracapacitor/Lead-Acid Battery Hybrid Electric Vehicle”, organizzata da IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Vietnam), University of Sherbrooke (Canada), University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté (France), University of Québec at Trois-Rivières (Canada), and University of Lille (France)
M. Porru, A. Serpi, A. Lai, G. Gatto, A. Damiano, “Modeling, Sizing and Control of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems for Electric Vehicles”, in Proc. 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2017), Beijing (China), Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 2017, pp. 5260-5265
A. Serpi, M. Porru, “A Real-Time Energy Management System for Operating Cost Minimization of Fuel Cell/Battery Electric Vehicles”, in Proc. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2017), Belfort (France), Dec. 11-14, 2017, 5 pp.
A. Serpi, M. Porru, A. Damiano, “A Novel Highly Integrated Hybrid Energy Storage System for Electric Propulsion and Smart Grid Applications”, in Advancements in Energy Storage Technologies, W. Cao, Ed. IntechOpen, May 2, 2018, pp. 79-101.
A. Salimbeni, A. Serpi, M. Porru, A. Damiano, “Integration of Sodium Metal Halides Batteries in Microgrids for Providing Active Filtering Services”, in Proc. 24th International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM 2018), Amalfi (Italy), June 20-22, 2018, pp. 473-478.
A. Serpi, G. Fois, M. Porru, A. Damiano, “Flux-Weakening Space Vector Control Algorithm for Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Machines”, in Proc. 2018 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2018), Chicago (USA), Aug. 27-30, 2018, 6 pp.
M. Porru, A. Serpi, M. Mureddu, A. Damiano, “A Combined Planning and Design Approach of a Public Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles”, in Proc. 2018 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2018), Chicago (USA), Aug. 27-30, 2018, 5 pp.
A. Floris, A. Serpi, M. Porru, G. Fois, A. Damiano, “Design of a Double-Stage Magnetic Gear for High-Speed Electric Propulsion Systems”, in Proc. XXIII International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2018), Alexandroupoli (Greece), Sept. 3-6, 2018, pp. 670-676.
A. Serpi, M. Porru, “Modeling, Control and Prototyping of a Highly Integrated Battery-Ultracapacitor System for Microgrids”, in Proc. 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2018), Washington D.C. (USA), Oct. 21-23, 2018, pp. 5191-5197.
S. Mocci, M. Porru, A. Serpi, G.G. Soma, “The POSEIDON Project: Microgrid in Port Areas to Improve Energy Efficiency by the Integration of RES, Flexible Loads and Smart Mobility”, in Proc. 1st International Conference on Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Area (SyNERGY MED 2019), Cagliari (Italy), May 28-30, 2019, 5 pp.
A. Serpi, M. Porru, “A Multi-Stage Energy Management System for Multi-Source Hybrid Electric Vehicles”, in Proc. 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2019), Lisbon (Portugal), Oct. 14-17, 2019, pp. 5761-5768.
A. Serpi, M. Porru, “Modelling and Design of Real-Time Energy Management Systems for Fuel Cell/Battery Electric Vehicles”, Energies, vol. 12, no. 22, 4260, 21 pp., Nov. 8, 2019.
A. Serpi, M. Porru, G. Fois, A. Damiano, “Design of Flux-Weakening Space Vector Control Algorithms for Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Machines on Suitable Synchronous Reference Frames”, IET Electrical Systems in Transportation, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 215-225, Dec. 2019.
M. Porru, A. Serpi, M. Mureddu, A. Damiano, “A Multistage Design Procedure for Planning and Implementing Public Charging Infrastructures for Electric Vehicles”, Sustainability, vol. 12, 2889, 18 pp., Apr. 5, 2020.
A. Salimbeni, M. Porru, A. Damiano, A. Serpi, “A Smart Energy Management System of a Highly-Integrated Battery-Ultracapacitor System”, in Proc. IEEE 2nd International Conference on Industrial Electronics for Sustainable Energy Systems (IESES 2020), Cagliari (Italy), Sept. 1-3, 2020, pp. 27-32.
A. Serpi, M. Porru, “An MPC-based Energy Management System for a Hybrid Electric Vehicle”, in Proc. 2020 IEEE Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2020), Virtual Conference, Gijon (Spain), Nov. 18-Dec. 16, 2020, 6 pp.
M. Porru, M. Pisano, A. Serpi, F.G.L. Pilo, “Electrification of Leisure Boats: a commercial State-of-the-Art”, in Proc. 2020 IEEE Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2020), Virtual Conference, Gijon (Spain), Nov. 18-Dec. 16, 2020, 6 pp.
M. Porru, A. Serpi, A. Soldati, L. Tassi, A. Damiano, “Design, Control and Prototyping of a Bidirectional Dual Active Bridge Converter for integrating a Sodium Metal Halide Battery into a Telecom Station”, in Proc. 2021 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2021), Virtual Conference, Vancouver (Canada), Oct. 10-14, 2021, pp. 160-167
A. Serpi, M. Porru, “Optimal Sizing and Management of a Hybrid Energy Storage System for Full-Electric Vehicles”, in Proc. 2022 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2022), Merced (CA, USA), Nov. 1-4, 2022, 6 pp.